Dr Stephen Blake, DVM, CVH, CVA
Dr. Stephen Blake has practiced Holistic Veterinary Medicine in San Diego, California for the past 31+ years.
He is certified by IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society) in Veterinary Acupuncture, he is in his final months of completing his Reiki Mastership in Asui Reiki and he is certified in Veterinary Homeopathy by AVH (Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy).
He uses Acupuncture, Classical Homeopathy, Gemmotherapy, Bach Flowers, Glandular therapy, New Zealand Bovine Colostrum, Nutrition, Massage, Aromatherapy, Positive thinking, Live Wave Patching, Japanese Reiki, Compassion, Love and Peace in his practice of veterinary medicine.
He recommends no vaccines or the minimum required by law. He recommends feeding diets that are either raw or cooked. He recommends all ingredients be from a natural whole source.
He is an advocate of not using drugs and chemicals in his patients, his family, his animals, himself or the world we all live in. He is activist for the environment, all creatures of our planet and a world free of vaccines as we know them today, drug, pesticides and chemicals and No More Wars, Only World Peace.
His website is: www.thepetwhisperer.com
All he asks for his free educational website, is that who ever uses it, Pays it Forward.
That means, they share it with all they know and ask them to do the same.
He is certified by IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society) in Veterinary Acupuncture, he is in his final months of completing his Reiki Mastership in Asui Reiki and he is certified in Veterinary Homeopathy by AVH (Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy).
He uses Acupuncture, Classical Homeopathy, Gemmotherapy, Bach Flowers, Glandular therapy, New Zealand Bovine Colostrum, Nutrition, Massage, Aromatherapy, Positive thinking, Live Wave Patching, Japanese Reiki, Compassion, Love and Peace in his practice of veterinary medicine.
He recommends no vaccines or the minimum required by law. He recommends feeding diets that are either raw or cooked. He recommends all ingredients be from a natural whole source.
He is an advocate of not using drugs and chemicals in his patients, his family, his animals, himself or the world we all live in. He is activist for the environment, all creatures of our planet and a world free of vaccines as we know them today, drug, pesticides and chemicals and No More Wars, Only World Peace.
His website is: www.thepetwhisperer.com
All he asks for his free educational website, is that who ever uses it, Pays it Forward.
That means, they share it with all they know and ask them to do the same.