Pet Insurance
Pet insurance is a huge industry that on the surface says "we'll enable you to make sure your pet receives the treatment it needs and cover the cost". In practice it is a system that enables business - after all, that is what they are, a business, and 'business' will always come ahead of customers and in this case, pet welfare.
As part of the Pet Welfare Alliance campaign we will be putting pressure on the pet insurance industry to change their policies. So this is an ideal time to ask you what problems and injustices you have had with pet insurance. It doesn't just have to be about vaccines - please tell us on the form below what you want changed with your pet insurance.
Note: Please do not provide individual lengthy case stories (this part of the campaign is not for fighting any individual battles on your behalf). A short example of your experience is fine, so please provide details of the problem you have experienced in as reasonably short a comment as you can.
We will be using your replies to form the basis of what we need to highlight and put to insurance companies.